Code of Conduct

Last updated Oct 5, 2023

Welcome to KPI Examples. This Code of Conduct aims to ensure that our community remains welcoming, respectful, and inclusive for everyone.

  1. Respect Each Other: Disagreements are okay, but disrespect and personal attacks are not. Treat everyone with kindness.
  2. Inclusivity: Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, age, disability, or any other protected status is unacceptable.
  3. Safe Environment: Do not post violent, graphic, or adult content. Keep discussions safe for everyone.
  4. No Spamming: Refrain from posting unsolicited promotions or repetitive content.
  5. Protect Privacy: Don't post yours or others' personal information. Respect everyone's privacy.

Violations of this code may result in warnings, post deletions, or bans from the website. The site administrators have the final decision on any actions taken.