1. Software Engineering

10 Code Quality KPIs

Code quality metrics delve into the assessment of the quality of the codebase. These KPIs are crucial in identifying areas for improvement in the software development process, ensuring maintainability, and reducing the likelihood of defects. By focusing on code quality, teams can enhance overall system stability, efficiency, and performance.

Bug Density #

Indicates the number of bugs per a certain amount of lines of code, providing insight into the overall quality of the code.

Build Failure Rate %

Calculates the frequency of build failures in the Continuous Integration (CI) process.

Code Complexity 🏅

Measures the complexity of the code, which can impact maintainability and readability.

Code Coverage %

Represents the percentage of code that is covered by automated tests, which is crucial for ensuring that as much code as possible is tested to identify defects.

Code Duplication %

Quantifies the amount of duplicated code in a codebase.

Code Smells #

Indicators of deeper problems in code, 'code smells' are patterns that may not be outright bugs but suggest design issues that can increase the risk of bugs or failures in the future.

Defect Escape Rate %

Measures the percentage of defects that escape into production, signifying the effectiveness of pre-release testing.

Flaky Tests #

Flaky tests are those that produce inconsistent results each time they are run.

Pull Request Size #

Refers to the size of pull requests in terms of lines of code, where smaller pull requests are generally easier to review and less likely to introduce errors.

Test Pass / Failure Rate %

Measures the percentage of tests that pass during the development process.