1. Compliance

6 Training & Awareness KPIs

Average Post-Training Quiz Score 🏅

Indicates the average score achieved by employees in quizzes or tests taken after their compliance training sessions.

Employee Feedback Score on Training Effectiveness 🏅

Reflects the average score given by employees on the perceived effectiveness of the training sessions they've attended.

Rate of Employees Who've Undergone Compliance Training Annually %

Measures the percentage of employees who have completed their annual compliance training.

Repeat Policy Violations Post-Training #

Measures the number of repeated policy violations by employees after they've undergone specific training meant to address those issues.

Reported Breaches by New Employees #

Counts the number of compliance breaches or errors reported that were made by new employees.

Training Sessions Conducted Per Year #

Counts the total number of compliance training sessions held within a specified year.