1. Customer Service

9 Efficiency Metrics KPIs

Agent Satisfaction Rate 🏅

The level of satisfaction agents express about their roles, usually gathered through regular surveys.

Agent Utilization Rate %

The percentage of an agent's working time that is spent handling customer interactions.

Average Resolution Time

The average time taken to resolve a customer's issue from the moment it was raised.

Average Wait Time Before Connecting To An Agent

The average duration a customer waits in a queue before being connected to a service agent.

Escalation Rate %

The percentage of customer service requests that are escalated to higher-level support tiers or management.

First Contact Resolution Rate %

Percentage of customer service interactions that resolved the customer's issue or concern in the initial contact.

First Response Time

First Response Time is the average amount of time it takes for a customer to receive the first human response to their inquiry.

Hours of 1 on 1 coaching time per agent

Average number of hours each agent spends in one-on-one coaching or training sessions over a specific period.

On-Time Response Rate %

Percentage of customer service requests that were addressed within a predefined acceptable time frame.