1. Compliance

8 Policy & Procedure Adherence KPIs

Average Time to Do One Audit

Measures the average duration taken to complete a single audit.

Non-compliance Findings in Internal Audits #

Counts the number of instances or findings where the organization did not meet the required standards during internal audits.

Percentage of Processes With Documented Procedures %

Quantifies the portion of all operational processes within an organization that have associated documented procedures.

Rate of Annual Policy Updates and Revisions %

Tracks the portion of policies that have been updated or revised over a year.

Rate of Employees Who’ve Read and Signed Compliance Policies %

Tracks the portion of employees who've acknowledged reading and understanding compliance policies.

Rate of Policy Violations or Breaches %

Tracks how frequently policy violations or breaches occur within a set period.

Time Taken to Close Audit Findings

Measures the average time it takes to address and resolve issues identified during audits, in days.

Total Audit Cost per Year 💰

Quantifies the overall cost associated with conducting audits over a year.