40+ Project Management KPI Examples

In the complex and dynamic field of project management, understanding and monitoring the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial for success. KPIs in project management help managers gauge the efficiency, performance, and progress of their projects, offering actionable insights for decision-making and strategy optimization.

Project Management illustration

What are Project Management KPIs?

Project Management KPIs are quantifiable measures used to evaluate the effectiveness and success of a project. They provide a data-driven way to assess progress, identify potential issues, and ensure that the project's goals align with the overall business objectives.

Why Projects Fail and How KPIs Can Help

Projects often fail due to a lack of clear goals, improper resource allocation, or miscommunication. KPIs offer a tangible way to track and measure project performance against set benchmarks. By analyzing these metrics, project managers can anticipate problems, manage resources effectively, and make informed decisions to steer projects back on track.

An effective KPI should be relevant, quantifiable, and aligned with your project's goals. To avoid the common pitfall of tracking too many or irrelevant KPIs, focus on metrics that directly impact the project’s success. Ensure that your chosen KPIs are actionable, providing insights that can lead to meaningful changes or decisions.

Project Management KPIs By Segment

Business Value

This category aims to quantify the economic and strategic value delivered by the project. It's essential for project managers to understand not just the cost incurred but also the overall value generation - whether through enhancing revenue, customer satisfaction, or strategic positioning. Business value KPIs are instrumental in making decisions that align with the broader business goals and demonstrating the project's contribution to organizational success.

Deliverable Metrics

These KPIs revolve around the evaluation of the final outputs or products of a project. It's crucial to monitor these metrics to ensure that deliverables adhere to the predefined standards and meet client or stakeholder expectations. Keeping a close eye on deliverable metrics allows project managers to maintain the quality and integrity of the project’s output, ensuring they align with the project's objectives and requirements.


Timeliness and efficiency in the delivery of project components are crucial for the overall success of any project. This segment of KPIs focuses on understanding and optimizing the workflows and processes involved in moving from one project milestone to another. By tracking these, project managers can gauge the effectiveness of their project schedules, resource allocations, and workflows, enabling them to make necessary adjustments for smoother project execution.


Forecasting KPIs provide a forward-looking perspective, enabling project managers to anticipate future challenges and opportunities. By monitoring these metrics, project managers can predict project trajectories, make informed decisions, and proactively manage risks and resources. They play a crucial role in strategic planning and ensuring the project’s long-term success and adaptability.

Plan vs Reality

One of the key challenges in project management is ensuring that the project adheres to its planned course, including timelines and budgets. KPIs in this category help in comparing the original plan with the actual progress and outcomes. They are critical in identifying deviations early and provide a basis for corrective actions, ensuring that the project remains aligned with its initial scope and objectives.


Projects are not just about tasks and deliverables; they are also about people. This set of KPIs focuses on the human element - from team engagement and morale to stakeholder satisfaction. Keeping track of these metrics helps ensure that the project team remains motivated and committed, and that stakeholder expectations are met or exceeded. These insights are vital for maintaining a positive and productive project environment.

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